It's a Girl - Documentary 2011

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For most Westerners, the widespread practice of killing or aborting female infants simply because they are female seems inconceivably cruel. This sobering documentary spotlights the cultural traditions in India and China underlying the tragic facts.


This is a powerful documentary that literally brought tears to my eyes. The idea that any human being should have to suffer or be killed for being born as or giving birth to a female, is nothing short of modern day tragedy. While I already had knowledge of the practice, to see and to hear the experiences of these victims was both heart breaking and enlightening. I would encourage anyone who has an interest in basic human rights to watch this film.


I cannot believe the arrogant comments I have read here. That America needs to teach these "heathens to be Pro-life"? Needs to "Civilize" these people? America's contribution to the problem has been for the Bush admin to stop all educational funds to any health organization that teaches birth control methods if it also includes abortion. If The USA wants to promote "Pro_Life" we need to end our wars, end the gun violence at home and end the death penalty. So many amazing people working to end the genocide of females. My heart goes out to them all. What brave and strong women they are. The mother of the twins. The wonderful grandmother that rescued that baby girl, and her single daughter who adopted her. That I could be so brave to walk my talk like that. How inspiring


Very moving and thoughtful documentary. Although this film is Poignant and Beautiful in it's poetic illumination of a Global Tragedy, it "skirts" around the FACT that it is the Sperm that determines sex not the Ovum. It was non of Henry the 8th's wife's fault that they gave birth to girls, just as it is NO Chinese or Indian woman's fault that she gives birth to Daughters.