The Hottest White Girls With Ass
#1: Kim Kardashian
Ha! Who else to top a White Girls With Ass list?!? But, it begs the question: Are Armenians white? Should a fourth-generation Armenian with an ass that just might be the G.A.O.A.T. top a list of White Girls With Ass? And she's only half Armenian. So maybe half her ass? And if so, which half? These are just the sorts of arguments that went on in the Complex offices while we compiled this list. We consulted a variety of sources, and came to a simple conclusion: It pretty much depends on who you ask. And if you ask us, homegirl goes on any list that includes that "With Ass" modifier. So yeah, when our Hottest Rocket Scientists With Ass List drops in a couple months, expect that we'll confer an honorary degree on Kimmy. And her ass.